Disseminating knowledge

The revue Hommes & Migrations

Couverture Hommes et Migrations n°1343

Hommes & Migrations is a social sciences publication published by the Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration. For over fifty years, through the articles it publishes, it has served as a tool for disseminating knowledge and encouraging reflection on contemporary questions linked to migration in France and across the world. Culture and art columns provide a complement to these articles, which are grouped into theme-based dossiers.

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Echo of the archives




The Musée de l'Histoire de l'Immigration publishes exhibition catalogues, guides to the museum’s collections, educational works, etc. These resources provide readers with a better knowledge of immigration, deconstruct preconceived ideas and notions about migrations, deepen their understanding of the contributions made by populations who came to French society from other places, and the realities of migration today.

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The Abdelmalek Sayad Resource Centre

Centre de ressources
Photo : Anne Volery © Palais de la Porte Dorée

Specialised in the history, memory and cultures of immigration, the Abdelmalek Sayad Resource Centre is a reference information hub on a national level, offering unique resources on migration issues: essays and documents, theses, magazines, films and audio-visual documents, a collection of posters and leaflets, and also novels and comic books.

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Literature and cinema

Résidence grec © Caterina Sansone

Cinema residency

Every year since 2014, the Museum has offered a residency for the making of a first or second short film.

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Prix de la BD

The prix BD de la Porte Dorée

The Prix BD was launched in 2022 with the support of the Festival International de la Bande Dessinée in Angoulême.

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Remise prix littéraire 2018

The Prix littéraire de la Porte Dorée

The Prix littéraire de la Porte Dorée has been awarded every year since 2010 to a novel or story written in French and addressing the theme of exile.

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café littéraire mars 2019

Literary residency

Since 2017, the Musée National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration has welcomed a writer in residence every year.

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Visiste découverte du Musée "La valise extraordinaire" - Été au Palais 2023
Visiste découverte du Musée "La valise extraordinaire" - Été au Palais 2023
Photo : Cyril Zannettacci © Palais de la Porte Dorée

In partnership with the French Ministry of National Education, the Museum seeks to promote recognition of the history and contributions made by immigration among school audiences, through offering training actions and educational tools.

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Installation papiers exposition permanente
Passeports intérieurs d'étrangers. 1830-1849. Reproductions, Archives municipales de Saint-Brieuc.

The Musée National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration is pursuing an ambitious scientific policy. It contributes to the production of new types of knowledge within the framework of scientific programmes and partnerships, both national and international, linked to the issues and themes covered by the museum..

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Collaborating and producing as a network


The Musée National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration works with a network of players involved in the history, memory and heritage of immigration.

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Mobile exhibitions

Seminars and forum

Tracking of heritage holdings